Happy Chinese New Year

2025: Chinese Year of the Snake. Jean-Paul Linnartz invites Xiaochen Liu for a chat about the new year.

2024, the Year of the Dragon. Yawar Abbas and Meagin van der Westhuizen invite internationals who cellibrate the lunar new year. Xiaochen Liu and Duke Xu share their experience with the Chinese New Year, while Suki Kim shares the Korean style of entering a new year. Hear about the traditions, the food, the wishes, the cultural roots.

How does the Chinese community celebrate the new year in the Chinese lunar calendar? How important are the Zodiac animals? What are the secrets behind making a good dumpling? In this podcast series, Jean-Paul Linnartz and Stephen Harianato invite Shuxia Tao, Jing Li, and Xi Yang.

Jean-Paul Linnartz hosted Xiaochen Liu and Garbo Wen at Radio 4  Brainport, the Eindhoven expat station on DAB+ and 747 AM

The Chinese New Year 2022 was a year of the Tiger. Every year we ask our Chinese internationals how they celebrate the spring festival.  How do you celebrate CNY in Eindhoven? What decorations and couplets do you post? Do you recoginize that tigers are competitive and ambitious people, but also generous?

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